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Ultraspeed Cash Game – Abe “The Snake” Mosseri vs. ZZ


Cash Game which has never been here before. The absolutely unique format was first played between Abe “The Snake” Mosseri and Mochy. The only cash game streamed and played with the clock. The rules of the first challenge were: 12 seconds per move; any additional second used means a 1.5 % penalty of the point.

Abe “The Snake” Mosseri is a professional backgammon and poker player. His thinking and conceptual understanding are beyond great. He thinks fast and plays even faster. Absolute legend and a well-respected player who challenged ZZ in the Speedgammon Cash Game challenge. This time, conditions were even more brutal. Abe and ZZ decided to play even faster with only 10 seconds delay!! Any additional second remained as a 1.5 % penalty of the point. 50 games.

ZZ: I came to the USA after a great result and the fun I had in Monaco. For three weeks just to hang out with friends and visit around. On the last day of the trip, we decided to make this challenge happen. I was excited to play the cash game with the speed clock. And during games, I got even more excited. It was an even better feeling than I thought. Adrenalin was present. It was so much fun; I had a plan before the game not to lose any second of the clock. Even if it means I will make a small mistake. I did not want to overlook anything or make a big blunder because of it; I just felt like that would be the best tactic. I felt like that would be the optimal strategy as what could one-second change. I am not about to spoil anything, as everything has been recorded and posted on Backgammon Coaching´s and Justin Nowell´s YouTube channels. There is also VLOG available to see a little behind the scenes.

It was an absolute pleasure to play against the legend such is Abe, and I wish him good luck finding the opponent for the next round. It will undoubtedly be exciting to watch!


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